Knight, E., Bathmaker, A-M., Moodie, G., Orr, K., Webb, S. and Wheelahan, L. (Eds.) (2022) Equity and Access to High Skills through Higher Vocational Education. Palgrave.
Knight, E. & Okay-Somerville, B. (Eds) (2023) Young people’s Career Thoughts and Wellbeing Subtitle: An enquiry across national education systems based on longitudinal data. Springer. Under contract, Feb 2023 submission
Colvin, E. & Knight, E. (2023) Education and Career Disruptors for Care-Experienced Young People – Parenting and Obligations of the State. Palgrave. Under contract, Apr 2023 submission
Journal articles, Book Chapters and other peer-reviewed Publications
D Bennett, E Knight, I Li, P Hurley 2023 Do International Students from The Global South Report Lower Perceived Employability than Their Domestic or Global North Peers? STAR Scholar Book Series
TJ Hooley, D Bennett, EB Knight 2022 Rationalities that underpin employability provision in higher education across eight countries Higher Education, 1-21
N Barnes, M Myers, E Knight 2022 School choice to religiously discriminate: religiopolitical activism and secularism in public schooling Journal of Educational Administration and History, 1-18
Hodge, S., Knight, E., Rawolle, S., & Webb, S. (2022). Higher Education in Vocational Institutions in Australia: What’s Going On? In E. Knight, A.-M. Bathmaker, G. Moodie, K. Orr, S. Webb, & L. Wheelahan (Eds.), Equity and Access to High Skills through Higher Vocational Education (pp. 189–214). Springer International Publishing.
Knight, E., Bathmaker, A.-M., Moodie, G., Orr, K., Webb, S., & Wheelahan, L. (2022). Introduction. In E. Knight, A.-M. Bathmaker, G. Moodie, K. Orr, S. Webb, & L. Wheelahan (Eds.), Equity and Access to High Skills through Higher Vocational Education (pp. 3–7). Springer International Publishing.
Knight, E., Staunton, T. & Healy, M. (2022) About University Career Services' Interaction with EdTech in Kaplan, A. (Ed) Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education, Cambridge University Press.
Corcoran, T., Whitburn, B. & Knight, E. (2022) Inherent requirements in higher education: locating You in Us. Perspectives
Webb, S., Knight, E., Black, R. & Roy, R. (2021) Exploring Students Feelings of Place. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 31(3).
Bennett, D., Knight, E., Koshy, P & Li, I (2021) Does regionality influence students’ perceived employability and career orientation? A study of metropolitan, regional and remote students in Australia. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 31(3).
Bennett, D., Knight, E., Bawa, S., & Dockery, A. M. (2021). Understanding the career decision making of university students enrolled in STEM disciplines. Australian Journal of Career Development, 30(2), 95–105.
Webb, S., Knight, E. & Hodge, S. (2020) A degree is a degree’: thinking with Bourdieu and Bernstein to understand vocational institution degrees in a high participation system. Special issue Editorial of International Journal of Training Research.
Koshy, P., Webb, S., Dockery, A. M., & Knight, E. (2020). Bachelor degree participation in vocational institutions: Examining the determinants of participation. International Journal of Training Research, 18(2), 106–120.
Knight, E. B. (2020). The homogenisation of prospectuses over the period of massification in the UK. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 0(0), 1–18.
Knight, E. (2020). Tracing the changing value of higher education through English prospectuses 1976–2013. Higher Education Research & Development, 39(1), 141–155.
Bennett, D., Knight, E., & Rowley, J. (2020). The role of hybrid learning spaces in enhancing higher education students’ employability. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(4), 1188–1202.
Bennett, D., Knight, E., Jevons, C., & Ananthram, S. (2020). Business students’ thinking about their studies and future careers. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 0(0), 1–6.
Bennett, D., Knight, E., Dockery, A. M., & Bawa, S. (2020). Pedagogies for employability: Understanding the needs of STEM students through a new approach to employability development. Higher Education Pedagogies, 5(1), 340–359.
Bennett, D., Knight, E., & Bell, K. (2020). Graduate employability and the career thinking of university STEMM students. Teaching in Higher Education, 25(6), 750–765.
Knight, E. (2019). Massification, Marketisation and Loss of Differentiation in Pre-Entry Marketing Materials in UK Higher Education. Social Sciences, 8(11), 304.
Bennett, D., Knight, E., Divan, A. and Bell, Kenton (2019) Selling employability to our graduates - are there tensions in how universities present employability? Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, Volume 41, Issue 5 , 485-499.
Bennett, D., Knight, E., Divan, A. and Bell, Kenton (2019) Marketing Graduate Employability. The Language Of Employability In Higher Education in Higgs, Joy (ed.) Education for Employability. Sense-Brill Publisher.
Colvin, E., Bacchus, R., Knight, E. and Ritter, L. (2019) When rubrics aren’t enough: exploring exemplars and student rubric co-construction Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy – In Press
Kuchel, L., Knight, E., Bennett, D., Burke da Silva, K., Horn, J., van Reyk, D. and Divan, A. (2017) How do top research universities portray employability strategies? A review of their websites. Australian Journal of Career Development, Volume 26, Issue 2, 52-61.
Colvin, E., Bacchus, R., Knight, E. and Ritter, L. (2016) Exploring the way students use rubrics in the context of criterion referenced assessment Research and Development in Higher Education: The Shape of Higher Education, Volume 39.
Reports/other (attributable reports included only, confidential unattributed contract research excluded)
R Coller, C Proske, S Hoang, M Hildebrandt, E Knight Jobs and Training Pathways for young people in the Western Region, Victoria University
Wade, Williams, Knight, Tham, & Gao (2022) Strategies for Skills and Jobs Melbourne: Centre for International Research on Education Systems, Victoria University.
Wade, Knight, Tham, Gao, Dixon, Williams, Walker and Newman (2022) Skill Needs in the West, Melbourne: Centre for International Research on Education Systems, Victoria University.
Andrewartha, L., Knight, E., Simpson, A. & Beattie, H. (2022) A balancing act: supporting students who are parents to succeed in Australian higher education. National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education – 2020 grants round.
Hodge, S. & Knight, E. (2021) The Best of Both Worlds, Integrating Vocational and Higher Education. National Centre for Vocational Education Research
Hurley, P., Coelli, M., Ta, B., Knight, L., & Hildebrandt, M. (2021), ‘Industry experiences and their role in education to work transitions’. Mitchell Institute
Ellis, K., Pitman, T., Brett, M., Knight, E. & McLennan, D. (2021) Calculating the costs of supporting people with disability in Australian higher education. National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education – 2019 grants round.
Colvin, E. & Knight, E. (2021) Supporting Care Experienced Young People into Higher Education. Collier Trust Grant. Charles Sturt University.
Knight, E. & Tham, M. (2021) Career development support for young people in secondary education from refugee and newly arrived migrant backgrounds. Centre for Multicultural Youth
Bennett, D., Jevons, C., Knight, E. & Ananthram, S. (2020) Needed Now: A Value proposition for BizEd students.
Webb, S., Knight, E., Rawolle, S., Hodge, S., Bathmaker, A.-M., Gale, T. & Parker, S. (2020) Dissemination Report, ARC Discovery Project. Monash University.
Knight, E. (2020). Career guidance for social justice. Contesting neoliberalism. Book Review, International Journal of Lifelong Education, , 1–2.
Knight, E. (2019) ADCET Fact sheet – Commissioned on vocational education for students with disabilities.
Carney, D. and Knight, E. (2019) Final report on Career Counselling and Career Development Review for South Australian State Government, Careers Industry Council of Australia.
Knight, E. and Barnett, D. (2019) EmployABILITY thinking and the future of STEM, Developing Employability Project.
Carney, D. and Knight, E. (2019) Interim report on Career Counselling and Career Development Review for South Australian State Government, Careers Industry Council of Australia.
Knight, E. (2018) Responding to massification: differentiation in postsecondary education worldwide, Book Review, International Journal of Lifelong Education, February 2018
Knight, E. (2018) Career development discovery report for Girls in STEM Toolkit, Education Services Australia.
Knight, E. (2018) Recommendation Report for the AGDET Beyond School Study Guide, Education Services Australia.
Knight, E. (2018) Industry Bullseyes data analysis report, Education Services Australia.
Knight, E. (2018) Labour Market Information scoping report, Education Services Australia.
Knight, E. (2017) Data integration analysis Cluster Matching explanation, Education Services Australia.
Knight, E. (2017) myfuture, the Australian National Career Information Service overview, Education Services Australia.
Knight, E. (2016) Preparing Secondary Students for Work - Vocational Education and Training in Schools project report, Education Services Australia.
Selwyn, N. and Johnson, N. and Nemorin, S. and Knight, E. (2016) Going online on behalf of others: an investigation of ‘proxy’ internet consumers. Clark, Narelle (ed.) Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, Sydney, Australia. ISBN 9781921974434.
Knight, E. (2011) Employability skills: a gap in the discourse, Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2011, Commonwealth Secretariat.